Energy rates are constantly on the rise with no end in sight.  It is up to you, the homeowner, to take action and reduce the energy consumption in your home.  The TEC Residential Energy Optimization Package will lower your energy consumption by increasing the overall efficiency of your electrical system.  You can lower your power bill by 10% to 20% with four easy steps…

Here's a complete overview of the system:

The four steps are:

Protect your electrical components, appliances, stereos, HDTV’s, and all electrical equipment from damage due to power surges and lower your risk of loss.  This first step completely protects your home from lightning strikes or any type of power surges, as well as regulates the VOLTAGE coming into your home with a V-Blox Voltage Protection Unit installed directly on your electrical panel or panels.  

Current, or Amps is what your electrical equipment uses to actually operate.  The average efficiency we have seen across the country in homes is approximately 85%, meaning 15% of the energy being delivered within your home is wasted.  The V-Blox PFC unit optimizes the current, or amps into your home to an efficiency factor above 95%, meaning your current, or amps will be optimized and your home will use less energy.

An average household with an electric water heater spends about 25% of its home energy costs on heating water, and if you have a GAS water heater, that percentage can be higher.  The AirTap Heat Pump Water Heating Unit uses heat pump technology, and when installed on your existing water heater, provides the highest energy efficient water heaters in the country by reducing the energy required as much as 70%, and still producing the same amount of hot water.

Lighting your home, on average, contributes to about 60% of your power bill.  Traditional incandescent light bulbs only use about 5% of the energy used to give off light, the remaining 95% of energy is being wasted and given off as heat.  Compact Fluorescent Lamps as well as the new LED technology directly replace incandescent lamps and use as much as 80% LESS ENERGY and still maintain the quality of light from an incandescent light bulb.

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