You may not know it, but your electrical components, appliances, stereos, HDTV, and other expensive investments are at risk. You could be hit by lightning at any time... and you are also using dirty, raw, power from the grid. The first step is to protect you from lightning and filter your power.

Optimizing the VOLTAGE and completely protecting your home has never been easier.  The V-Blox Voltage Protection Unit completely protects the electrical system within your home when it is installed on your electrical panel, or panels.

Providing all of your electrical equipment with clean, efficient voltage is the first step in protecting and optimizing your electrical system in your home, which will ultimately result in lower power bills.

The V-Blox Voltage Protection Unit comes with a 15 Year Warranty as well as a $25,000 Connected Equipment Guarantee should you experience any equipment damage as a result from a power surge or lighting strike that entered your home through the electrical system.

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